Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I'm sleep-deprived and hungry.

I had a ton of time to do my schoolwork, and yet, here it is...almost 11:00, and I haven't gotten any of it done. "I'll get to it," I told mom. "Don't worry," said I, "I'll get it done." Oy. Well, I'm finally getting to it, and I will get it done. And yet, notice how I put it off by posting on here first. Sad, isn't it, what we'll do to get out of something we really don't want to do. I don't mind the science work that needs to be done [even though there's a lot of it since I've been putting it off for days now] - it's the Logic and Rhetoric stuff that's killing me.

I'll tell you all this right now: Logic and Rhetoric late at night is the most confusing thing in the world [after, of course, boys]. Of course, doing it in the morning isn't too swell either. So here I am, dreading doing my homework, but knowing that it has to be done. Blast it. What do I have to do? I'm not even sure. That's how bad I am at it. Like, I realize that I should totally be on top of homework and whatnot...but I'm not. Each day, I wake up and tell myself, "Meredith, today is the day that you get yourself organized and get your homework done."

Sadly, that day never comes.

I have basically no work-drive, and that bugs me. I wish I were the sort of person who could buckle down and work hard. I wish I could have the self-discipline to just put my nose to the grindstone and churn out "A" grade work all the time. But I'm not. I get distracted way too easily. For example, instead of doing my work earlier on today, I spent an hour cutting out pictures of Red Sox players from a massive stack of newspaper articles I had been saving. Tomorrow I'll probably use those pictures as an excuse not to do my work: "Oh, I'll just put all these pictures up on my corkboard...then I'll do work."

Why can't I motivate myself to do work? Why? I see everyone else around me, and they get their work done before these insane hours. They say, "Wow...I was up so late last night. Almost to midnight!" I say, "Wow...I got to sleep so early last night. I went to bed at midnight!" Clearly, there's a problem here. I can't blame it on the internet, because even when my mom shuts off the internet, I'll work on my book. I can't blame it on the laptop, because when I don't have it, I just read or draw or something. This is a problem.

I. Need. To. Focus.

On a happier note, I have a funny story for you all. So, every Wednesday morning, my Aunt Sharon comes over to our house to have tea with my mom. Well, starting this Wednesday morning, my younger brother Jack is taking some wood-working class over at New Hope. She completely forgot that Aunt Sharon was coming. So at 10:00 in the morning, I'm in a deep sleep. I am, however, awakened by a loud: "HELLOOOOOO?" And I'm all, "Eh...what?" And then I roll over and try to go back to sleep, figuring that it was just a dream. It wasn't. I hear it again. So I stumble out of bed, get dressed and go downstairs to find my aunt there. SURPRISE. I'll admit, I really didn't get what was happening at first, because I had just woken up. My aunt and I ended up having a very nice time talking together, so it was all good. It was nice to have some "Aunt Time," since I don't usually get to have it.

On another note, I have decided that sleep is overrated. So is caffiene. Who doesn't want to stumble around all day looking half-asleep? I mean, come on! It's fun, right!? RIGHT?

Ok, I can hear the crickets.

Well, I guess I'll go now. But not to sleep. Nah...I won't get to do that for another hour or so. Hey - maybe I'll get to go to bed at midnight!!! :)

Shorol sar paes vaelia por tysti sia,
wishing that dreams really did come true,

~ Meredith

// Consider this post edited. It's 12:40. I finished my science. Didn't even start Logic and Rhetoric...way too tired. So I'll be doing it tomorrow morning at 6:30. Yay for me.


Anonymous said...

Hey Mer, I used to be the "procrastination queen" in high school, too. I think it got solved in college as I had over 1 1/2 hours each way every day on a train commute and ended up getting a lot done. Here's hoping.... :)

lovesarevolution said...

It's the same way with me, I had a pretty productive day today though hopefully I'll be able to keep that up.
All this College crap is killing me now though.