...and I want to go to sleep. Why is it that I always put off doing things, when I know I'll wish I had done them earlier? If you know the answer, please let me know. Meanwhile, I'll continue to consider the more important things in life, such as...why do you drive on a parkway, and park on a driveway? Nah...never mind. That's a bit too deep. Instead, I think I'll just go. The whole point of this post is so that there was a post when all you wonderful people dared to click on this link.
So, yes. Hello. Yay. As you can tell, I'm clearly not on my A-game right now. But then, if you had a cold, and were sleepy, would you be? HAH. I thought not. Anyhoo, I'm done rambling now, so hopefully you've all had a great laugh at my expense. If you haven't, don't be afraid. There will be many laughs to come, whether you're laughing with me [hopefully this one] or at me [I do this a lot...]. Meanwhile, please ignore the date/time/day of this post. I'm still trying to figure out what timezone I live in. :)
AH. I'm also going up to VERMONT to see one of my bestest friends. I haven't seen her in like, two years, so I'm wicked excited. =D More updates on that to come.
Today I discovered something: I am quite a good shot with a gun. No, I wans't out killing anyone. :) I was upstairs when I heard the sound of my dad's BB gun being fired. So, going to the basement stairs, I sorta bellowed down, "I WANNA SHOOT THE GUN." Turns out that my dad [age 1048, name of Stephen] and my younger brother [age thirteen, name of Jack] were taking shots at tin cans. I joined in, and completely kicked their butts. Like, I was BANG, BANG. Knocked both cans off the little stand in a row. Totally on fire. Then Jack was all, "Let's have a contest to 12." So we started. I got to 12 [he was at 6], and so the contest went to 15...then to 20. Final score? Me: 20. Jack: 9. Poor boy. First, I beat him in Risk, and now shooting guns. So then I'm all, "I'll have a contest with Dad sometime." And dad was all, "How about now? First to five." So we had our contest.
End score?
Me = 5
Dad = 0
Life is good, is it not? And yes, I'm done bragging now.
Jholi aelaesia maelyl jhoji air'm os jhar.
[Live every second like it's your last.]
~ Meredith
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